In Step With DC
The Thrill of Competition
Written by Erin Sforza on agosto 24, 2018

When summer starts to wind down it brings with it lots of familiar sights. Back to school sales of all kinds, shorter days, and at the studio, it brings the first rehearsal for our award-winning competition team. This is the rehearsal that anyone who is interested in being part of the Competition Team is welcome to attend. Miss Mary holds an informational meeting for new “Comp Team” parents and dancers and then the dancers will head in to dance.

The pre-rehearsal meeting is full of really useful information for first-time competition parents. There is always an up front breakdown of the time commitment, and what is expected of each and every dancer that joins the team. There is also a detailed breakdown of the yearly costs associated with the team so that there won’t be any financial surprises along the way.  Miss Mary also takes the time to give the parents an idea of what realistically can be expected of their dancer’s first year as part of the team. At Dance Connection the philosophy behind our competition team does differ from many others. Dancers are accepted onto the team and are challenged to improve as much as they can, to be just a bit better than they were yesterday. They will be placed into dances according to ability, and they will always be given the opportunity to earn more performances as they learn and grow with the program.

Once the formalities are through, the dancers will head into the studio to experience a competition rehearsal for the first time. Though they aren’t nearly at top speed yet, it is still challenging enough to give them a good idea of what is in store for the year. Usually there are more than a few proud and anxious faces at the windows, but there is never a need for concern. This team is built to bring out the best in every dancer, regardless of their level of experience or ability at that moment in time. The way the team looks at this rehearsal is light years away from the polished group they are by June. Sometimes the progress they make in just few months time is staggering!

The Competition Team competes in three local/regional competitions and one East Coast National Competition each year unless it is a Travel Performance year. On a Travel Performance year the team will attend their three local/regional competitions and perform either on board a cruise like they did this past July, or at Walt Disney World which they will do in the Spring of 2020! They have performed at The Islip Town Holiday Parade and the Islip Street Fair. Our competition team also supports the efforts of Make A Wish of Suffolk County with performances at both their events and our Making Wishes Grow Fundraisers.

If your dancer is interested in joining our award-winning competition team their first rehearsal for their 2018-2019 year will be Tuesday, September 4 from 5:15-8:30PM. We hope to see you there!

Erin Sforza

Erin is the Public Relations Coordinator for Dance Connection. She studied dance from childhood through college and continues to be an active member of the Long Island theatre community. Erin received a BA in both Musical Theatre Performance and History from the University of Tampa, and has utilized aspects of both degrees working in the hospitality industry, as an Event Coordinator for the Heckscher Museum of Art in Huntington, and as the PR/Marketing Coordinator and Group Sales Coordinator for the CM Performing Arts Center in Oakdale. In addition to being a part of the Dance Connection staff, she is a Travel Consultant affiliated with and

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