In Step With DC
The Benefits of Dancing
Written by Erin Sforza on enero 19, 2018

It’s not secret that dance benefits the body physically, keeping those who dance agile, flexible, and well-toned, but the true benefits of dance far exceed the feeling of physical well-being it provides. Here are a few of the multitude of positive effects dance has on every dancer:

An agile mind: There have been several studies that show that dance can prevent our minds from aging! In a recent study, people who danced regularly for six months showed an increase in the connections in their brain that were involved in processing speed and memory. Read about it here.

Self-Confidence: Dance allows students to become more in tune with their own body and more confident in their movements. The satisfaction of achieving their goals in the studio will help them to take on challenges in the other aspects of their daily lives, especially in school, where there is a huge benefit to the belief that you are capable of anything you put your mind to and exert effort toward. Being able to perform in front of a large crowd takes guts, and if you can do that, there is almost nothing that you can’t make happen!

Socialization Skills: Just like their day-to-day interactions in school, dance classes allow everyone from twos all the way up to adults to hone their skills of socialization. Many classes are much smaller than they would encounter in classrooms, so you’re in a more intimate environment. You also have to learn to trust your fellow performers and to boost each other’s confidence. There is also a lot of work to be done as far as gracefully losing out on a part after an audition and being the gracious winner of that part as well.

Picking Yourself Up (Sometimes literally!): As dancers move through levels of skill, they are able to begin trying for roles in Competition Teams, or featured performance groups (such as our Compañía de recitales). Very often, you get to celebrate realizing your goal of being a part of these groups, but sometimes you may just miss that mark that you had set for yourself. Dancers, especially the ones at our studio, are lucky to have the support of their fellow students and their teachers to give them the encouragement and support to keep pushing and practicing and working toward that goal. It’s very difficult to push past the disappointment and doubt, but learning how to use that disappointment as a learning experience instead of viewing it as a defeat is essential to leading a positive, productive, and happy life.

Dancing It Out: Speaking of being happy, dance is a conduit for emotional expression. It helps students both young and old to get in touch with their emotions and to give hem life through movement. They learn to “feel” the music and express the affect it has on them. “Dance It Out” is a phrase that means so much to anyone who has had the experience of getting every ounce of a bad day out through a really great dance class. It’s a truly heathy way to release stress and keep yourself balanced!

Dance is a great way to keep yourself active and physically healthy, but the benefits of dance extend far beyond toned and flexible muscles and excellent posture. It is a fantastic way to keep your mind healthy and to keep you emotionally healthy and productive too!


Erin Sforza

Erin is the Public Relations Coordinator for Dance Connection. She studied dance from childhood through college and continues to be an active member of the Long Island theatre community. Erin received a BA in both Musical Theatre Performance and History from the University of Tampa, and has utilized aspects of both degrees working in the hospitality industry, as an Event Coordinator for the Heckscher Museum of Art in Huntington, and as the PR/Marketing Coordinator and Group Sales Coordinator for the CM Performing Arts Center in Oakdale. In addition to being a part of the Dance Connection staff, she is a Travel Consultant affiliated with and

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